65 Sterling Street, Peaks Island, ME 04108
We help property owners, non-profits, and developers plan, finance, and build their construction and capital projects.

We leverage our experience, Spreadsheets, #2 pencils, and connections to get it done.
Financial analysis and pro forma modeling for affordable housing and tax credit developments.
Coordination and communications between development team and MaineHousing, including navigating the competitive tax credit allocation process.
Track record of 100% successful competitive affordable housing tax credit applications.
Negotiation for tax credit investments, credit syndication.
Applications for CDBG, HOME funds, and other below-market capital.
Steering municipal approvals, including tax increment financing applications and land use approvals on behalf of the project.
PROject management
Project management for development and construction projects.
Owner's representation for capital improvements, including energy retrofits, solar panel arrays, etc.
Scheduling and critical path analysis.
Wrangling consultants and vendors on behalf of the project.
Preconstruction services.
Construction oversight.
Feasibility studies.
Conceptual development planning.
Financial modeling, comparison of financing scenarios.
Oversight and guidance for land use approvals / entitlements process.
Budgeting for historic rehab and new construction projects, including hard costs and soft costs.
Communications with stakeholders and funders.
Permitting & engineering
Permitting and approvals, with a focus on the City of Portland approvals process.
Structural engineering for buildings (timber, steel, concrete).
Existing building assessments.
Conceptual studies.
Constructability reviews.
Peer reviews.